‘ Nancy and Plum‘ was first published in 1952. Piggle Wiggle’ children’s books, and also the adult books, ‘The Egg & I’, ‘Anybody Can Do Anything’ and ‘Onion in the Stew’. ‘ Nancy and Plum‘ is a children’s book written by the world famous author Betty McDonald, who wrote four popular ‘Mrs. Piggle Wiggle’s house and enjoy the comical, common sense cures that have won her so many friends. And her solutions always work, with plenty of laughs along the way. When a distraught parent calls her because Mary has turned into an Answer Backer or Dick has become Selfish or Allen has decided to be a Slow Eater Tiny Bite Taker, Mrs. Best of all, she knows everything there is to know about children. Her husband was a pirate, and she likes to have her friends dig in the back yard for the pirate treasure he buried there. She lives in an upside down house, with a kitchen that is always full of freshly baked cookies. She is a little lady with brown sparkly eyes. Piggle Wiggle! She’s the kind of grown up you would like to have for a friend and all her friends are children. Now in paperback…įor a new generation of children to enjoy.’ ‘San Francisco Examiner Chronicle. Piggle Wiggle loves children good or bad and never scolds but has positive cures for Answer Backers, Never Want to Go to Bedders, and other boys and girls with strange habits. You can read more of her reviews here.The incomparable Mrs. Her other hobby is consistently volunteering way too much of her time.

She also makes films, but everyone knows you can't make a profit doing that. Lauren Shearer writes words for fun and profit. The books make great read-alouds because they're funny enough to appeal to adults and most children (of all ages.) The children's faults are exaggerated enough that young readers can marvel at them rather than feel offended. These are some of the most amusing books ever written for children. If you think children won't read books about other children learning object lessons then you underestimate the magic of Macdonald. Some practical advice, maybe a pinch of magic, and children learn lessons for themselves by having to deal with the consequences of their own bad deeds. Piggle-Wiggle is also friends with their parents, and when a parent comes to her with a child who has a particularly bad habit, she knows just how to cure them. Piggle-Wiggle's they're allowed to do all sorts of things that they aren't at home. She lets all the neighboring children come and play in her home, and at Mrs.

Piggle-Wiggle is a little old lady who lives in an upside-down house built by her deceased pirate husband. Piggle-Wiggle loves children good or bad and never scolds but has positive cures for Answer-Backers, Never-Want-to-Go-to-Bedders, and other boys and girls with strange habits.